Supported Configuration Keys

Supported Configuration Keys

Configuration Key Accessibility Description Value Origin
NumberOfConnectors Read Easee Home: 1, Easee Charge: 1 Int OCPP
SupportedFeatureProfiles Read Supported features: Core, LocalAuthListManagement, RemoteTrigger, SmartCharging CSL OCPP
MaxChargingProfilesInstalled Read The maximum amount of charging profiles installed. Int OCPP
AuthorizationCacheEnabled ReadWrite Checks whether the charger supports an Authorisation Cache and if it is enabled. Boolean OCPP
AllowOfflineTxForUnknownId ReadWrite Enables/Disables Unknown Offline Authorisation. Boolean OCPP
AuthorizeRemoteTxRequests ReadWrite Verifies whether a RemoteStartTransaction request is authorised by the Central System before to start a transaction. Boolean OCPP
ClockAlignedDataInterval Read Clock-aligned data interval in seconds. Int OCPP
ConnectionTimeOut ReadWrite Max amount of time in seconds before authorisation expires and charger goes back to original state. Int OCPP
ConnectorPhaseRotation ReadWrite The phase rotation per connector in respect to the connector’s electrical meter (or if absent, the grid connection). CSL OCPP
ExternalAuthorizationRequired ReadWrite Sets AuthorizationRequired on the charger. If off, no idTag is sent when an EV is connected, and charging can start without authorization. Boolean Easee
GetConfigurationMaxKeys Read Maximum number of requested configuration keys in a GetConfiguration message. Int OCPP
HeartbeatInterval ReadWrite Interval of inactivity (no OCPP exchanges) with central system after which the Charge Point should send a Heartbeat. Int OCPP
LocalAuthorizeOffline ReadWrite Whether the Charge Point, when offline, will start a transaction for locally-authorized identifiers. Boolean OCPP
LocalAuthListEnabled ReadWrite Enables/Disables the Local Authorization List. Boolean OCPP
LocalPreAuthorize ReadWrite Whether the Charge Point, when online, will start a transaction for locally-authorized identifiers without waiting for or requesting an Authorize message from the Central System. Boolean OCPP
LockConnectorPhaseMode ReadWrite Sets Phase mode on this charger. Allowed values: Lock1Phase, Auto, Lock3Phase CiString20Type Easee
MeterValuesAlignedData Read Clock-aligned measurand(s) to be included in a MeterValues message. CSL OCPP
MeterValuesSampledData ReadWrite Sampled measurands to be included in a MeterValues message, every MeterValueSampleInterval seconds. Supported values: Energy.Active.Import.Register, Power.Active.Import, Current.Import, Current.Offered, Voltage CSL OCPP
SampledDataSignReadings ReadWrite Defines if a charging session signature should be included in StopTransaction request message as additional MeterValue item in transactionData property. Only supported for MID compliant charging devices. Boolean OCPP
MeterValueSampleInterval ReadWrite Time in seconds between sampling of metering (or other) data, intended to be transmitted by the MeterValues message. Int OCPP
ResetRetries Read Number of times to retry an unsuccessful reset of the Charge Point. Int OCPP
SendLocalListMaxLength Read Maximum number of identifications that can be sent in a single SendLocalList.req. Int OCPP
StopTransactionOnEVSideDisconnect Read Stop transaction when EV driver disconnects cable. Boolean OCPP
StopTransactionOnInvalidId ReadWrite Whether the Charge Point will stop an ongoing transaction when it receives a non-accepted authorization status in a StartTransaction.conf for this transaction. Boolean OCPP
StopTxnAlignedData Read Wether the Central System will include a clock aligned metervalue in the StopTransaction request. CSL OCPP
StopTxnSampledData ReadWrite Whether the Central System will include a sampled metervalue relative to the start of the transaction in the StopTransaction request. CSL OCPP
TransactionMessageAttempts ReadWrite How often the Charge Point should try to submit a transaction-related message when the Central System fails to process it. Int OCPP
TransactionMessageRetryInterval ReadWrite How long the Charge Point should wait before resubmitting a transaction-related message that the Central System failed to process. Int OCPP
UnlockConnectorOnEVSideDisconnect ReadWrite Whether to unlock the connector when the EV disconnects the cable. Should be set to false if public charging and cable supplied by CPO. Overwrites permanent lock. Boolean OCPP
DynamicChargerCurrent ReadWrite Dynamic current on charger level. double Easee
DynamicCircuitCurrent ReadWrite Dynamic current on circuit level. double Easee
LocalAuthListMaxLength Read Maximum number of identifications that can be stored in the Local Authorization List. Int OCPP
ChargeProfileMaxStackLevel Read Max StackLevel of a ChargingProfile. The number defined also indicates the max allowed number of installed charging schedules per Charging Profile Purposes. Int OCPP
ChargingScheduleAllowedChargingRateUnit Read A list of supported quantities for use in a ChargingSchedule. CSL OCPP
ChargingScheduleMaxPeriods Read Maximum number of periods that may be defined per ChargingSchedule. Int OCPP
freecharging ReadWrite Freecharging is a mode where chargers have a “known” ID tag to use for authentication when a EV is plugged in. When OCPP configuration key “freecharging” is set to true for a charger it will “simulate” a user provided ID token and request authorization from the central system with the tag from “rfidfreecharging” from its configuration. This allows chargers to be configured as “Plug&Charge” while still giving the ability to associate usage with a User/Tag in the central system. Boolean Easee
rfidtagfreecharging ReadWrite The rfidtag to be used when FreeCharging mode is activated CiString20Type Easee
OperatorMaxCurrent ReadWrite The maximum current the charger can draw from the grid as set by the operator double Easee
CellRSSI Read Signal strength indicator for the cellular connection in decibels double Easee
WiFiRSSI Read Signal strength indicator for the wifi connection in decibels double Easee
LocalRSSI Read Signal strength indicator for the radio link connection in decibels double Easee
ChargerRAT Read Which radio technology the charger is using (cellular or wifi) CiString20Type Easee