Supported Configuration Keys
Supported Configuration Keys
Configuration Key | Accessibility | Description | Value | Origin |
NumberOfConnectors | Read | Easee Home: 1, Easee Charge: 1 | Int | OCPP |
SupportedFeatureProfiles | Read | Supported features: Core, LocalAuthListManagement, RemoteTrigger, SmartCharging | CSL | OCPP |
MaxChargingProfilesInstalled | Read | The maximum amount of charging profiles installed. | Int | OCPP |
AuthorizationCacheEnabled | ReadWrite | Checks whether the charger supports an Authorisation Cache and if it is enabled. | Boolean | OCPP |
AllowOfflineTxForUnknownId | ReadWrite | Enables/Disables Unknown Offline Authorisation. | Boolean | OCPP |
AuthorizeRemoteTxRequests | ReadWrite | Verifies whether a RemoteStartTransaction request is authorised by the Central System before to start a transaction. | Boolean | OCPP |
ClockAlignedDataInterval | Read | Clock-aligned data interval in seconds. | Int | OCPP |
ConnectionTimeOut | ReadWrite | Max amount of time in seconds before authorisation expires and charger goes back to original state. | Int | OCPP |
ConnectorPhaseRotation | ReadWrite | The phase rotation per connector in respect to the connector’s electrical meter (or if absent, the grid connection). | CSL | OCPP |
ExternalAuthorizationRequired | ReadWrite | Sets AuthorizationRequired on the charger. If off, no idTag is sent when an EV is connected, and charging can start without authorization. | Boolean | Easee |
GetConfigurationMaxKeys | Read | Maximum number of requested configuration keys in a GetConfiguration message. | Int | OCPP |
HeartbeatInterval | ReadWrite | Interval of inactivity (no OCPP exchanges) with central system after which the Charge Point should send a Heartbeat. | Int | OCPP |
LocalAuthorizeOffline | ReadWrite | Whether the Charge Point, when offline, will start a transaction for locally-authorized identifiers. | Boolean | OCPP |
LocalAuthListEnabled | ReadWrite | Enables/Disables the Local Authorization List. | Boolean | OCPP |
LocalPreAuthorize | ReadWrite | Whether the Charge Point, when online, will start a transaction for locally-authorized identifiers without waiting for or requesting an Authorize message from the Central System. | Boolean | OCPP |
LockConnectorPhaseMode | ReadWrite | Sets Phase mode on this charger. Allowed values: Lock1Phase, Auto, Lock3Phase | CiString20Type | Easee |
MeterValuesAlignedData | Read | Clock-aligned measurand(s) to be included in a MeterValues message. | CSL | OCPP |
MeterValuesSampledData | ReadWrite | Sampled measurands to be included in a MeterValues message, every MeterValueSampleInterval seconds. Supported values: Energy.Active.Import.Register, Power.Active.Import, Current.Import, Current.Offered, Voltage | CSL | OCPP |
SampledDataSignReadings | ReadWrite | Defines if a charging session signature should be included in StopTransaction request message as additional MeterValue item in transactionData property. Only supported for MID compliant charging devices. | Boolean | OCPP |
MeterValueSampleInterval | ReadWrite | Time in seconds between sampling of metering (or other) data, intended to be transmitted by the MeterValues message. | Int | OCPP |
ResetRetries | Read | Number of times to retry an unsuccessful reset of the Charge Point. | Int | OCPP |
SendLocalListMaxLength | Read | Maximum number of identifications that can be sent in a single SendLocalList.req. | Int | OCPP |
StopTransactionOnEVSideDisconnect | Read | Stop transaction when EV driver disconnects cable. | Boolean | OCPP |
StopTransactionOnInvalidId | ReadWrite | Whether the Charge Point will stop an ongoing transaction when it receives a non-accepted authorization status in a StartTransaction.conf for this transaction. | Boolean | OCPP |
StopTxnAlignedData | Read | Wether the Central System will include a clock aligned metervalue in the StopTransaction request. | CSL | OCPP |
StopTxnSampledData | ReadWrite | Whether the Central System will include a sampled metervalue relative to the start of the transaction in the StopTransaction request. | CSL | OCPP |
TransactionMessageAttempts | ReadWrite | How often the Charge Point should try to submit a transaction-related message when the Central System fails to process it. | Int | OCPP |
TransactionMessageRetryInterval | ReadWrite | How long the Charge Point should wait before resubmitting a transaction-related message that the Central System failed to process. | Int | OCPP |
UnlockConnectorOnEVSideDisconnect | ReadWrite | Whether to unlock the connector when the EV disconnects the cable. Should be set to false if public charging and cable supplied by CPO. Overwrites permanent lock. | Boolean | OCPP |
DynamicChargerCurrent | ReadWrite | Dynamic current on charger level. | double | Easee |
DynamicCircuitCurrent | ReadWrite | Dynamic current on circuit level. | double | Easee |
LocalAuthListMaxLength | Read | Maximum number of identifications that can be stored in the Local Authorization List. | Int | OCPP |
ChargeProfileMaxStackLevel | Read | Max StackLevel of a ChargingProfile. The number defined also indicates the max allowed number of installed charging schedules per Charging Profile Purposes. | Int | OCPP |
ChargingScheduleAllowedChargingRateUnit | Read | A list of supported quantities for use in a ChargingSchedule. | CSL | OCPP |
ChargingScheduleMaxPeriods | Read | Maximum number of periods that may be defined per ChargingSchedule. | Int | OCPP |
freecharging | ReadWrite | Freecharging is a mode where chargers have a “known” ID tag to use for authentication when a EV is plugged in. When OCPP configuration key “freecharging” is set to true for a charger it will “simulate” a user provided ID token and request authorization from the central system with the tag from “rfidfreecharging” from its configuration. This allows chargers to be configured as “Plug&Charge” while still giving the ability to associate usage with a User/Tag in the central system. | Boolean | Easee |
rfidtagfreecharging | ReadWrite | The rfidtag to be used when FreeCharging mode is activated | CiString20Type | Easee |
OperatorMaxCurrent | ReadWrite | The maximum current the charger can draw from the grid as set by the operator | double | Easee |
CellRSSI | Read | Signal strength indicator for the cellular connection in decibels | double | Easee |
WiFiRSSI | Read | Signal strength indicator for the wifi connection in decibels | double | Easee |
LocalRSSI | Read | Signal strength indicator for the radio link connection in decibels | double | Easee |
ChargerRAT | Read | Which radio technology the charger is using (cellular or wifi) | CiString20Type | Easee |
Updated about 1 month ago