Equalizer Observation Ids

Here you will find a complete list of observations from the Equalizer, that you can use for your integration or debugging.

IDObservation NameInfoDescriptionResponse
1SelfTestResultStringPASSED or error codes
2SelfTestDetailsStringJSON with details from self-test
13EaseeLinkCommandResponseIntegerResponse on a EaseeLink command sent to another device
14EaseeLinkDataReceivedStringData received on EaseeLink from another device
19SitelDNumericIntegerSite ID numeric value [event]
20SiteStructureStringSite Structure [bootl
21SoftwareReleaseIntegerEmbedded software package release id [boot]
23DeviceModeIntegerCurrent device mode
25MeterTypeStringMeter type
26MeterlDStringMeter identification
27OBISListldentifierStringOBIS List version identifier
29GridTypeInteger0=unknown, 1=TN, 2=1T,
31Current_L1DoubleCurrent in Amps
32Current_L2DoubleCurrent in Amps
33Current_L3DoubleCurrent in Amps
34Voltage_N_L1DoubleVoltage in Volts
35Voltage_N_L2DoubleVoltage in Volts
36Voltage_N_L3DoubleVoltage in Volts
37Voltage_Ll_L2DoubleVoltage in Volts
38Voltage_Ll_L3DoubleVoltage in Volts
39Voltage_L2_L3DoubleVoltage in Volts
40ActivePowerlmportDoubleActive Power Import in kW
41Active PowerExportDoubleActive Power Export in kW
42ReactivePowerlmportDoubleReactive Power Import in kVAR
43ReactivePowerExportDoubleReactive Power Export in kVAR
44MaxPowerlmportDoubleMaximum power import[eventl
45CumulativeActivePowerImportDoubleCumulative Active Power Import in kWh
46CumulativeActivePowerExportDoubleCumulative Active Power Export in kWh
47CumulativeReactivePowerImportDoubleCumulative Reactive Power Import in kVARh
48CumulativeReactivePowerExportDoubleCumulative Reactive Power Export in kVARh
49ClockAndDateMeterStringClock and Date from Meter
55MasterBackPlatelDStringBack Plate REID of master charger [event]
56EqualizerlDStringBack Plate RFID of equalizer [bootl