Easee Specification
Easee OCPP Specification
Easee provides OCPP via the Easee Cloud. The Easee Cloud is a service that Easee has created to connect all charge points in one universal place. The Easee Cloud can provide an array of services that enable external partners to interact directly with charge points. This one place collects and collates data, and provides services such as Easee Portal which is a web-based interface for reading data and a place for controlling charge points.
Easee OCPP is provided according to the following specification:
Easee OCPP Specs:
- Version: 1.6
- Data exchange format: JSON
- Feature profiles supported:
- Core
- Smart Charging (without TxProfile)
- Local Auth List Management
- Remote Trigger
- Feature profiles not supported:
- Firmware Management
- Reservation
To obtain control of Easee charge points via OCPP, Easee require new partners to become an operator. An operator is an entity listed in the Easee Cloud to whom charge point data and control can be directed. There is an onboarding process to become an operator which is free of charge. For more information read here Operator
Once an operator, the partner will be listed in the Easee Installer App for engineers to select at the point of installation so that charge points automatically route their data to the partner. This allows the installer to avoid the time-consuming requirement to use a laptop on-site commissioning the charge point. The Easee Installer App allows simple NFC communication with Easee chargepoint back plates (the charge point mount) where relevant electrical and operation information is stored.
Updated over 1 year ago